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kyorohiro work 2015
Current Update
December 7, 2015December 3, 2015November 23, 2015Hetima Torrent Project
This Project create a torrent library for dart developers.
Library name is "hetimatorrent".
Hetima Torrent Client
Hetima Torrent Tracker
Hetima Torrent Traker is chrome app which is created with hetimatorrent library
Hetima Torrent File
Hetima Torrent File is chrome app which is created with hetimatorrent library.
Start coding server side hetimatorent
middle of september
HetimaTorrent library will support server-side. and create server side torrent client.
Start coding pre-Beta version
middle of september
Hetima Torrent library 's stability will be enhanced. and suppprt ipv6.
Hetima Torrent library will following supprt
- bep003
- bep005
- bep007
- bep023
- bep032
Hetima Net
This project create a p2p network library for dart developers.
- support upnp portmap
- source https://github.com/kyorohiro/dart_hetimanet
Hetima Portmap
upnp port maper
Hetima Portmap is chrome app which is created with hetimanet library.
Hetima Delphnium
file share local server
Hetima Portmap is chrome app which is created with hetimanet library.
[A] Hetima Socket WebRTC
start coding now
Hetima Socket WebRTC is create class in hetimanet which have socket Interface for webrtc data channel.
If this project is ok. then We can Hetima Torrent Client move on WebRTC.
Mini Game Library is executable on flutter and webgl
Wonder Minon
falling pazzule game demo
Nazenani Torrent
This project create document for elementary p2p application developer or interesting p2p programming person.
Nazenani torrent (ebook)
A small tagline
for Japanese. tutorial for creating bittorrent library.
Honoo no Kara(ebook)
A small tagline
for japanese. tutorial for creating game program with scratch
Memo : Flutter x Dart
A small tagline
This book is memo that kyorohiro have been learning about flutter with dart
Copyright 2015